Willow Springs, Logo Sibirskaja Cattery


Sibirskaha Sasha

This was Sibirskaha Sasha as a kitten.


Sibirskaja Sonya

This was Sibirskaja Sonya as a kitten.

Older or Retiring Kittens

No Kittens leave until they are at least 13-14 weeks of age. Learn Why

If you have an interest in a Kitten or Cat, be sure to fill out the Kitten/Cat Request Form. This helps me match kitten/cat requests with available kittens/cats and to help me keep track of those I speak with.

Kitten Reservations List

Note: As I post new kittens, if you have a deposit on a kitten, you may change your reservation to any available kitten at any time. Just advise me by email to verify availability.

When NO kittens are AVAILABLE, a $100 non refundable deposit for UPCOMING litters will be accepted (the $100 deposit comes off the cost of the kitten).

When RESERVING an AVAILABLE kitten, an $800 deposit (50% of the $1600 as of 2/1/21) is needed to hold a SPECIFIC kitten. (Those who have paid the $100 Deposit (when no kittens were available) only pay $700 to RESERVE their kitten choice).

1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. kitten choices will be given according to the date the deposit is received

NOTE: requests with a deposit have preference over earlier requests without a deposit